there have been many changes since i began blogging about life at the holler, not the least of which is the amount of time i have to blog on any given day. maybe it isn't so much the time as the brain power that has been next-to-nil, but the evidence is how little this blog has grown in the past couple of years.
what has grown is my family. the munchkin is four now, and going for a spot in guinness's book as world's most stubborn boy. *digression* is there a connection between guinness book and guinness beer? he is in preschool as we wobble precariously into another year in the kentucky hills. i wonder how best to keep him interested in the wonders of outdoor kentucky. already he asks me just as often if he can watch a movie right when we get home from school as he does if we can go out and play. but there are so many things i want him to know, like how chlorophyll works, and what a grub is. the difference between a bluebird, a blue jay, and an indigo bunting. camping, fishing, swimming... how do i do all this with him and a new baby?
because that is the newest change at the holler. we are joined, as of november 30, by a new baby boy, a soul of tranquility and cheerfulness. when he is with me, he is the calmest baby i have ever seen, content to watch the world around him and delighted by all it contains.
also joining us is bob, the taleless cat. alas, tigu was chased off by the erstwhile neighbor's yellow dog. we hope she is somewhere living fat and sassy. as for us, it is a new world we enter this summer, with a larger family and bigger dreams. soon to come: the tuckymisfit garden.