I do the interlibrary loan handling for my library, as some of you may know (little though anyone cares.) A week back, a guy asked me to get him some books about the history and practice of ninjitsu. It is astounding (okay, no, not really) how few serious books about becoming a ninja there are. One book that I did find was called Secrets of the Ninja from the Citadel Press. If you can't trust a name like Citadel Press, who can you trust? So I ordered that book.
The way interlibrary loans work (for us 'Tuckians, at least) is that I search for the item on an interlibrary database called Firstsearch, then apply to a queue of five libraries to send me said item. Usually someone sends it, but occasionally it goes through five lenders who all tell me to buzz off. Such was the case with Secrets of the Ninja. The responses I got were as follows:
20100223 FTL No - Not On Shelf/Missing
20100224 DZM No- Unspecified
20100224 ZGN No - Not On Shelf/Missing
20100224 LEB No - Not On Shelf/Missing
20100225 LFY No - Not On Shelf/Missing
To me, this begs the question: Have all of the copies of this book been.....