Sunday, October 15, 2006

uncustomary rant

it's amazing what i can accomplish when i get a normal amount of sleep. normally, my sleep schedule consists of three hours between two and five a.m. when charlie has finally gone to bed and i have finally gotten the entire house reassembled and then two hours between three and five p.m. when charlie naps. i was sick on thursday and friday last week. sick enough to call in sick to work. coughing and shivering all night sick. when i put on four pairs of pajamas and turned the heat up to "blast furnace," and drank half a bottle of nyquil, i finally got to sleep. then it was more like hybernation. but i woke up refreshed two days later*.
charlie had been unattended during this time for the most part, so he had, of course, gotten out all of his toys as well as every cooking implement in the house. he had eaten only chocolate covered mini donuts for days, had changed his own diapers with amazing finesse, and had repainted the kitchen using pink and blue highlighters. but what the heck! i had energy for once.
i swept, i mopped, i vaccuumed. i did laundry that had been sitting for weeks. i did dishes that had been sitting for weeks (ack!). i painted a copy of the mona lisa. i cleaned the bathroom. i came up with a plan for world peace. i cooked something that didn't involve the microwave. i taught charlie about wave/partical duality. i dusted everything i could reach... okay, that's a bit of a stretch.
the moral of this story is... i could be a much better homemaker if i didn't have to drive an hour from six to seven a.m. to go stuff paper in vera bradley purses four mornings a week. thank heaven i'm using that college education to my family's greater benefit. i've figured out how to market crack on ebay!

*textual note: please excuse excessive use of hyperbole

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