Monday, May 10, 2010

Critter Encounters of the Kid Kind

Today was a critter encounters day at the Holler, beginning with a banner bird morning. I saw my first Ruby- throated Hummingbird of the season, which was a special triumph because I had decided not to poison my hummies with Red Dye #40 this year. The sugar water in my feeders is clear and my feeders are green glass with the only red on them being little flowers around the drinking holes. My hummies found them anyway!

In the bird feeder tree, I saw no less than three Bluejays, five Brown-headed Cowbirds, several Mourning Doves, two Red-bellied and one Downy Woodpeckers... You're waiting for the Partridge, aren't you? No Partridges, but the Goldfinches have found my thistle seed bag, and the Nuthatches and Titmice and whatnot are around too.  But the best part of the morning was that two of my favorites whom I haven't seen in a couple of years showed up for the banquet. I couldn't get a picture of the Brown Thrasher, whose name sells his awesome cinnamon coloring short, but the male Rose-breasted Grosbeak was a real treat. He and his mate haven't been to the Holler since the first summer we were here! The picture (above, right) of the Grosbeak isn't the best, so go here to see appreciate how nifty he is.

Besides the birds, it was kittens kittens kittens. In March, we had two young female cats, who I didn't get spayed fast enough. So now we have two mamas, and twelve kittens! Good grief, I thought first litters were supposed to be small. Boots got ambitious, though, and about a week ago, she had a litter of seven. Happy jumpin' Mother's Day! The other five were Daisy's progeny, and they were born just before Easter, so now they're old enough to gambol around and be terrified by... I mean delight the boys. Lucy the Dog is spayed, and you can tell it's eating at her right at the moment. She's decided to be a kitty-mama, which involves a lot of licking. Good times.

While we were playing Kitten Vogue, Charlie caught a young toad in the back yard. Aw, who says warts aren't cute!? Master Toad is probably still recovering from his coronary trauma somewhere under the violets.
All this critter related fun got me thinking of past visitors to the holler. So here's a parade of Holler Wildlife just for you.

Confused tree frog on the swing set, thinking, This is the weirdest friggin' tree I've ever seen...

Confused pond frog the size of my fist. We found him sitting by the corner of our garden for no apparent reason, looking dried out one day. I tried to put him in a bucket of water... World. Class. Speed. Jumping.
Unimpressed skink.
Common Black Racer who was on my potting bench... why?
Hercules beetle. Enough said.
Dragonfly quite literally hanging out on my trealise.

Imperial Moth.
Luna moth on my curtains. No, he didn't get there of his own accord. Yes, I would accost a helpless luna moth just for a picture. Do you want to make something of it?
There's that Downy Woodpecker freezing his feathered dumpus off.

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