Saturday, January 02, 2010

The Anti-List

Lists are depressing. At least to me, they are. There always seem to be three things added to the bottom for every one thing crossed off the top. As my sage father told me once: everything takes longer than it takes. Or, if not that, then there's the fact that most of the things on my "To Do" lists are things that are never done: laundry, dishes, the checkbook. It makes me question my priorities. If all this stuff is still going to be here, day after day, why am I so worried about it? My kids won't always be here. My husband won't always be here. I won't always be here. So if laundry is eternal, and life is not, laundry can wait. Then there's the uncertainty principle. I find lots of my mental lists have to do with money. Money, money, money. But even if I had no debts and millions in the bank, what's to say that the next few years may not bring with them a catastrophic war that ends life as we know it and brings on a new era? Not that I plan to go stand on a street corner wearing a sandwich board or anything. I'm just saying that it's awfully easy to forget what's really important in favor of that to which the world applies pressure. So to kick off 2010 in the blogging world of me, I present you with the Anti-List!

Eleven Things I'd Like to Do Before I Kick It

Write a book
Publish a book
Learn to sign
Learn another spoken language
Achieve a black belt in a martial art
Travel outside the American continent
Get an advanced degree in Library Science
Learn silversmithery and lapidary arts
Become a competent editor
Own a hairless cat
Become a Blog-Of-Note on!

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