Friday, April 02, 2010

Babies, Babies, Everywhere

Spring is all things pleasant: rain, flowers, skinned knees, dirty faces, frog spawn... and kittens. Daisy the Cat has taken it upon herself to supply the Holler's kitten deficiency. Just about two days ago, she laid babies (sic, per Charlie) in the insulation stored up top of our garage. I think that'd be itchy, but they seem well enough. Two of the kitties are organgy blonde, making me wonder if Boots the Cat's sibling kitty who disappeared right after I drug them unwillingly home with me is alive and well, and male, somwhere in the woods across the street. We check on the itty bitty kitties every day, which will probably cause Daisy to get sick of us and move them. Between cuddly baby kitties and not-so-cuddly baby froggies, Charlie is going to pop if he doesn't get to hold a baby animal very soon. At Tractor Supply, I'm told they have chics and baby rabbits, so maybe we'll go there. Spring is goooood.

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