Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Things Pearsons Say

I should start a whole blog dedicated to the witty one-liners my children deliver. They crack me up, almost every day. It has just occured to me that maybe they'd crack you up too. So here's about a week's worth:

When I was a kid, my Dad and I used to have playful "insult" fights. He'd call me a palindrome and I'd tell him we was just a noun. That sort of thing. Apparently that's genetic, because the other day, Abe hauled off with some fightin' words, "You're a Mud-head Broccoli-face!"

1 comment:

Elaine Reder said...

I just love the minds of little people, and yours just made my day! :) My little minds don't seem to be as witty as yours, but when Haley is having a drama queen moment, I tell her to "chill out". So, Noah's constantly telling us all to "chill off". Is that like "bug off"? :)