Friday, May 14, 2010

Images from the Holler

I've been having fun reminiscing over old IPhotos, so I thought I'd subject you to them too.

Okay, so this isn't an old photo, but as a special treat, I thought I'd share with you a rare photo of the illusive beast... Cave Kitten!
Nesting dove from, I think, two summers ago. Sadly, I must report that the great hunter, Tigu got her.
Speaking of unfortunate nests, you've got to wonder about this choice... We moved the nest to a box nailed to one of the support posts, and the Mama bird continued to sit on it, which made me very happy. But then a racoon found it, which made me very not happy.
Sphynx moth, unphased by my presence.
Fritillary butterfly, posing in the sun.
Velvet Ant, which is actually a flightless wasp sometimes called a "Cowkiller" for the intense pain it's sting causes. Oh, the things you find out after you put the cool bug in a jar...
Dear Mr. Stick Insect, I regret to inform you that your attempt at camouflage failed. You would be better served to pretent to be a stick... in a tree. 
Tiny frog says, "This grass feels weird. And why did it suddenly change from night to day out here?"
Meet... TREEMAN! And you thought that was only in Lord of the Rings. (If you're wondering what the heck I'm talking about, stare at it a while. It looks like a face. This guy is the fence row along the road I live on, and he especially looks like a Treeman as you're driving by him at about 20mph.)
It looked at me! This is not a good sign... (Turkey Vulture high in a tree.)

These old stone chimneys survived a fire that the house did not.

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