Thursday, January 06, 2011

New Years and Other Holidays Worth Ignoring...

Good grief, did I ever fall off the wagon. I'm thinking my New Years resolution ought to be to start blogging again, since a few people have been kind enough to say that they actually enjoyed reading this drivel. Unfortunately, I hate everything about New Years, up to and including the idea of resolutions, and possibly excepting champagne. Long story short: I'm going to have to find a different motivator.

Here's what happened, though: in a nutshell, August. August is just the first of all the truly abysmal months of the year. The only thing to recommend it is that my brother was born then. What's wrong with August? It's really stinking hot, and in the case of 2010, also dry. And then your kids have to go off to school. Some people like this, but that's because they have freakishly well behaved children. For me it means a lot of, "Mooooooom, I'm tired!" (7:00 AM) "Mooooooom, I'm not tired!" (8:30 PM) In between the above, I get a lot of, "Dear Mrs. Pearson, Your son  sat on another student while intermittently yodelling and burping the National Anthem in the hallway on the way to lunch. Please discuss 'appropriate hallway behavior' with him. Also, please explain to him why he cannot stand on his head on top of his desk during coloring time." Yeesh. I try to write succinct replies, "Dear Ms. Bruin, Neaner neaner neaner!  You have him all day and I don't!" This never really goes over well. Maybe, "Dear Ms. Bruin, Charlie can stand on his head? Cool! I'll enroll him in gymnastics! And maybe voice lessons too..."

Anyway, after August comes September (Charlie is 6! And almost as tall as I am! What the....!?) and October (cowboy Halloween costume, third year running... How did Abraham manage to lose his shoes 3 blocks before we got back to the car without me noticing!?) and November (I hate my birthday, but at least I got to get a haircut. Abraham turns 2. I stabbed myself in the finger with a fork at Thanksgiving. Yes, Jim did warn me that was going to happen!) and December (shopping shopping shopping... not my favorite thing...) You can see how things get lost in the melee.

At any rate, New Years has passed, and we have Valentine's Day and St. Patrick's Day yet to ignore before we get back to the fun days of summer. Between now and then, I'll try to dig up some good pictures... There must be some around here somewhere... But I'll leave you with an image of serenity:

The Pearson Family Celebrates New Years Eve...
None of us is motivated enough to go shopping for party food, so we kind of ignore that aspect of things, supposing we'll do that next day. (I still haven't made the planned Rice Crispy Treats or popcorn...) We put in "Despicable Me" and settle down to watch it. All except for Abraham, who runs back and forth jumping on mine and his brother's heads in turn. Eventually (3/4 of the way through the movie) I get tired of this and take Abe upstairs to wrestle him to sleep at about 9:30. I promptly fall asleep myself. Eventually, I wander blearily back downstairs to discover Joe asleep on the couch and Charlie asleep on the floor. So much for midnight... I will say this for it, though. It was a much more peaceful night than is typical for my family. I didn't have to go around yelling, "NO! STOP IT! QUIT THROWING TOYS! PICK UP YOUR MESS! YOUR PEANUT BUTTER DOES NOT GO ON YOUR HEAD!"

Gosh, I love it when Joe goes to sleep early.

(Happy New Year!)

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